Inaayah Cunningham: airport
Showing posts with label airport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label airport. Show all posts

Monday, September 27, 2021

[hvjbg] Download Halena fonts from Sakha Design
September 27, 2021 0 Comments

Halena is a modern and adaptable sans serif font. Suitable to a wide variety of designs due to its neat and simple style, this font has the potential to become your favorite go-to font, no matter the occasion!


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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Jali Greek fonts from Foundry 5 Limited - (rdeoy)
June 03, 2021 0 Comments
Jali Greek

Jali is a humanist sans serif typeface particularly suited for wayfinding. Jali comes in versions that support Arabic, Greek, and Latin.

The name ‘Jali’ means clear in the Arabic language. The design of Jali reflects the ethos of its name. The combination of low-contrast strokes, ample counters, dots, and distinguishable marks make Jali a versatile typeface. With its humanistic voice and clear letterforms, Jali aims at offering a warm and efficient reading experience. Similar to other wayfinding type families, Jali is also well suited for demanding typographic environments.

Jali Greek

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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Neue Rasant fonts from Neue - (dvivb)
May 12, 2021 0 Comments
Neue Rasant

→ neue Rasant is an interpretation of a typeface used by the Singapore Land Transit Authority for its directional signage. The typeface design is based on a rigid grid with little to no room for optical compensations or any kind of harmonisation whatsoever. This approach can be seen as epitomic to an engineer’s way of designing which offers paradoxically unorthodox solutions in a seemingly orthodox system.

→ neue Rasant is a uniwidth design which means that the individual characters are occupying the same amount of space across all weights and styles. This way of designing a type family turns out handy if one wants to avoid unintentional line breaks or space consumption.

→ neue Rasant comes in five weights ranging from Thin to Bold. For the Italics the designer has the choice between 

a traditional slant to the right or an unconventional slant to the left. All weights and styles are equipped with arrows matching the individual weight’s stroke thickness.

→ For trial and variable fonts reach out to

Neue Rasant

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Friday, April 23, 2021

Studio Grotesk fonts from Jetsmax Studio - (bszrx)
April 23, 2021 0 Comments
Studio Grotesk

Studio Grotesk is a modern sans typeface with a futuristic touch. This multi-purpose typeface will grab reader's attention with its stylish and neat design. With over 500+ Glyphs, five styles and a wide range of weights its a timeless workhorse for many possible application from branding to editorial.

Studio Grotesk

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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Download STP Display Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std
August 20, 2020 0 Comments
Download STP Display Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std

Its inspiration comes from the types without serifs, with features ranging from architecture to modernist design products. With generous shapes and counterforms, the type becomes showy wherever it is, masterfully fulfilling the purpose for which it was designed. Initially designed for a signaling project in the Brazilian city of Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, the STP Display was expanded to include the largest number of characters in the Cyrillic anda Latin alphabet. This helps to find solutions in cases where a large number of languages to communicate something is needed, such as to inform a specific place for a tourist or also a direction to follow for an employee in a company.

The STP Display is a modular feature, developed with rounded corners and a design based on geometric elements, ideal for use in large sizes.

Forms and counterforms, its main characteristics, bring prominence to any signaling project. The STP Display Cyrillic also has another version, the STP Stencil Cyrillic, and in addition to wayfinding projects, both can be used in architectural projects, advertising, packaging, posters, and others.

With a complete Latin alphabet, STP Display Cyrillic covers over 90% of the supported languages, covering the whole American continent, East and West Europe and most of the countries of Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Download STP Display Cyrillic Fonts Family From Sete Std

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